
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Quinoa Round-up

I love quinoa. Don't you? It tastes great and is very good for you. It is a complete protein, has twice as much fiber as other grains. It has iron, lysine and magnesium. It is rich in B12 which gives you energy! It really earns its place on the list of superfoods!

If yoiu are new to quinoa then it can be intimidating. It looks weird and tastes different than you expect. But it is sooo good!  First here are the instructions I use to cook my quinoa and it comes out great every time! We usually use the red quinoa but that is just really because I like the look of it. I swear there is a subtle taste difference but that might be in my head.

This is my favorite recipe to use quinoa, Greek Quinoa salad.

We love fried rice around here. This is a recipe we will be trying soon!

Here is another from Damn Delicious! Quinoa Enchilada Casserole.

How about blueberry quinoa pancakes? They may be weird but I still want to give it a go!

Breakfast quinoa bites. Sounds right up my alley and I bet they would freeze pretty well for quick and healthy breakfast on the go.

You can also use quinoa like oatmeal and do hot breakfast cereal. I doubt you need much of a recipe for that but I found this one and it looks yummy!

This idea of doing lettuce/cabbage wraps with quinoa is a good one! I am going to put this on my menu this week!

Quinoa Caprese salad. Sound so yummy.

Strawberry, Spinach and Cashew salad. That sounds so good for summertime.

Chocolate Quinoa Cake! Who knew? Right?!

Do you have any tried and true quinoa recipes? A word of caution about quinoa: I have heard of people getting sick from eating it because of the high amount of fiber in it. I have never had a bad experience with it. It makes me feel better! Try eating small amounts at first if you are nervous about that.

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