
Friday, August 1, 2014

Instagram printing

I have mentioned before that we are wanting to get more pictures printed. So I started the disposable camera challenge. Which I am not don't with. If you were expecting this post to talk about that then you are sorely mistaken. HA! This is a post about one of my all time favorite apps. Instagram! Oh instagram. You complete me. There is a link to our Ramona Avenue IG to the right there.  

Back to the matter at hand! My husband and I recently upgraded to iPhones. They are awesome. Our picture quality has gotten a million and one times better. The best part about our iPhones? We always have them with us. They are perfect for capturing everyday moments that we wouldn't normally bust our canon out for. Are they the best quality pictures? Why no they are not. But I love them all the same.

Since we recently felt the need to print more pictures so the kids could have the same tactile experience with photos that we had as kids I decided to give Walgreens Instagram picture printing a try. I'm not going to lie, Walgreens is where we get most of all our pictures printed. So it seemed like a no brainer to have them done there. There are a ton of places to get your IG pictures printed. We chose Walgreens because of convenience. It is down the street and I didn't have to wait to pick them up.  

They are not the best quality by far. They are a little blurry. And we could only get 4x4 prints of them. I would have loved to get some in 8x8 or even bigger but they warned me that the pictures would get super blurry and pixelated. Bummer! 

The process is crazy easy though. You log in or make an account with them. You click there Prints tab and there in the menu it has a prints from Instagram option. From there you log into IG and then agree to let them access your account. Then your whole IG album pops up and you choose the ones you want. An hour later they are done!   

Keep in mind that they are 40 cents a piece. That can add up quick! I do feel like having the physical picture is worth it. The kids are going crazy for them. Which is the true test of whether something is really worth it or not in my eyes. The only other issue I have with them is that once you log in with one IG account you can't sign in with another. We want pictures from both Nick and my Instagram. So we will have to have two separate accounts on the Walgreens website. Which really if that is the biggest issue then it is no big deal! We will be getting more pictures printed through them. Now I will be adding filters and contrasting with the intention of getting them printed. It is going to get even more fun now!  

Just for funsies! Here is a post from A Beautiful Mess that gives  tips on how to get great iPhone pictures. I definitely learned something from it. Like hello wiping off your lens! That should be a no brainer right?

Have you had IG pictures printed? What service did you use? Would you use it again?

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