
Thursday, August 21, 2014

So fresh and so clean

I hate cleaning and organizing. The feelings of hate make me avoid it. Which leads to a miserable experience the next time I clean or make plans to organize something. It is a vicious cycle. I dream (literally) about having a beautifully organized and perfectly clean home. Those are pretty lofty expectations for someone with my aversion. I am messy, what can I say? But! There is light at the end of the tunnel! I want to change. I really want to change. I have been searching for good cleaning tips online. There are TONS of secrets and tips. Things to make it easier or more fun. There are fewer tips to make it more fun that there are tips to make it easier. Go figure. Some of my favorite tips are:

1. If it will take you 15 seconds to do something do it right then. Don't wait.
2. Set a timer and focus on cleaning a specific area for the entire time.
3. Keep a basket in each room to load up with things that don't belong in that room. When you walk out take that basket and put the stuff away. 
4. Have a basket or bag in your home at all times to fill with items donate. The less stuff you have the less you have to clean and put away.
5. Sweep every night before bed. 

And here are some of my favorite lists and sources:    

66 all natural cleanings solutions. I love the idea of using natural cleaners with the kids. I am more comfortable with them using natural stuff than crap full of chemicals. However I do use this cleaner and love it. Full of chemicals and all.

This list from buzzfeed is kind of funny but helpful too!

I love Organized Home. It is a striving/struggling organizers crack! This list of cleaning tips from pros is pretty great.

Here is a cool list of 50 organization ideas! I need these in my life.

I love the idea of getting organized in the fall before the holidays hit. Everything needs to be as streamlined as possible when they hit!

Did you know you are suppose to clean your vinyl blinds? Yeah I am learning all the time!

Check out this easy way to clean your oven!

Clean my house in 20 minutes a day? Yes please!

What are your tips? Favorite short cuts? Your tricks to simplify? Help a girl out!

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