
Monday, August 11, 2014

A dream outfit

The school year is right around the corner for us here. I know some people out there have already started back. Crazy! It is a big year for us because our little Lola is starting kindergarten this year. My baaaabbbyyyy. I might cry when she walks in. Anywho...  I want her to look her best. Back to school shopping was not always fun growing up. So I want to make a much better experience for my kids. Which is hard because they don't always share my opinion of what is a good clothing choice. So this is my dream outfit for Lola that she would probably refuse to wear. To be clear she wouldn't wear it because I chose it not because it isn't rad. Because obviously it is. Puberty is going to be a rough one with that girl.   

Why hello to the cutest shirt in the frickin world! Pretty much all the Hello Apparel stuff is darling. You can't go wrong with the style! Plus I love buying from a small business. You usually get better quality and better service. 

I love Old Navy Jeans for kids. They seem to withstand a lot of abuse. These are actually jeggings and I have no idea how they standup. Lola loves jeggings though. The less restrictive the better for that girl.

Hello cute lace bomber jacket! I want that in my size in black. Remember that this is a dream outfit and I would actually probably never in a million years buy my kids a cream colored jacket. It wouldn't last a week.

Lola loves chucks and the color purple. A match made in heaven. Plus you can get 25% off the entire converse website right now! Score!

I will be back another day with my dream outfit for Nicco. Which he would actually wear because he doesn't care as much. As long as he looks good he will wear anything. It is weird how we are starting into that shift of him caring what he looks like. Weird! 

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