
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

3 Rules for A Happy Marriage

I love being married! Love love love it! I have been married for 22 and a half years now..woah! Having said that I would hate to give the impression that I have had a perfect marriage.  The fact is we have had our ups and downs. Big time downs and big time ups. All in all it is the best thing I have ever done and I am incredibly happy! Seriously happy. Blissfully happy! There are lots and lots of things we do as a couple to protect this but I'd like to discuss 3 today.

1.Your spouses needs should come before yours...this is absolutely true BUT it will only work if you are both on board. If one party is giving giving giving and one party is taking taking taking the giver becomes a door mat and the taker becomes a bully. Luckily when love is involved this one is usually an easy one and comes naturally.

2.Transparency is key...It is important for both husband and wife to allow total access to all areas of life. Bank accounts, Social media, and email address passwords and cell phones included. Does that give either party permission to "snoop" and monitor? No. But just consider if one is doing anything that they feel like should be hidden or doesn't want their spouse to see they, 9 times out of 10, shouldn't be doing it and could be playing with fire. This rule is a protection for both parties and if used with love for each other and not taking a parent/child role is very liberating.

3. Date Night is Important...Does this mean you have to spend lots of money going to fancy restaurants and first run entertainment? No. Jason and I played a game with each other for several weeks testing how cheap we could possibly go and still have a "complete" date night. (Think dollar movies, twist cones and coupons) Don't have a babysitter? Plan something to do at home together after the kids go to sleep. Keep in mind that having time to be just the two of you to reconnect and set the world aside is vital. It is a time to give each other your full attention and show outwardly that the relationship is a priority. It is something to look forward to gives a needed break of the everyday grind whether that is the job the kids or both. We date every single week one way or another and I feel lucky that Jason is on board.  It makes it much easier to make it happen. One of my favorite date night idea go to site is 
They have some great great ideas for all kinds of dates from group dates to couple dates to at home dates etc that will work for the seasoned dater and those looking to get started. 
Thanks for reading!! Do you have some great marriage tips? Date night ideas? Comment! We love to hear from nice people! 

PS. I am wanting to do a focus on marriage every month so if you have something you'd like to read about etc let us know! 

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