
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cheesy sort of au-gratin potatoes

I have a hard time with side dishes. It has been my goal this year to really expand my side dish repertoire. It has been rough. I am finding that it is not easy to make dishes that please the whole family. At this point if I get 3 out of 4 people to like it I am pretty pleased. Then I made these cheesy yummy garlicky potatoes. They were a hit. I say sort of au gratin because they don't have onion and most au gratin recipes call for it. Onion is not a kid pleaser in my house. Which is nuts! Onion is awesome!! What can I say? They are little weirdos. 

To start this recipe out you need to really scrub your potatoes clean. Slightly dirty potatoes and you will get some grey spots in your sauce. Not appetizing! After you scrub the tar out of your potatoes you are ready to slice. I used a mandolin. I don't like using the safety guard on it and it freaks my husband out. I like living dangerously! But you shouldn't. Use the safety guard. Then stack those babies in your pan. We slivered up some garlic cloves and stuck them randomly in between potatoes. 

Next the roux to start the bechamel sauce. Roux's used to be very intimidating to me. But basically all it is is flour and butter. The goal is to cook the flour until you lose the raw flour taste. No big deal! Especially if you always use equal parts flour and butter. 

After milk is added. When you add the milk your roux can get a little lumpy. I have found that if you just whisk it like crazy it smooths itself right out. After it is smooth and has come to a slight boil you turn it off and add the cheese. I always use sharp because I feel like the creamy sauce needs the sharp cheddar to cut into the richness. 

Pour your beautiful bechamel sauce over your potatoes. Cover it all with aluminum foil and toss that bad boy in the oven. Half way through we take the foil off and let it get a little brown. 

MMMMMM! Yum. They are so good and the smell in the house was just lovely. I am pretty partial to potatoes though. They make me happy!

And the finished product. This picture leaves something to be desired, I know. But don't let that discourage you from trying them! Because these potatoes are awesome!

Cheesy Sort of Au Gratin Potatoes

2 1/2 pound potatoes, cut into thin slices
4 garlic cloves, cut into slivers
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup butter
3 cups milk- I used fat free with no issue
1 3/4 cups sharp cheddar

Preheat oven to 375. Generously grease 9x9 pan. Stack potatoes into pan. Stick garlic slivers in between potatoes randomly. In large sauce pan combine butter and flour. Cook over medium heat until bubbling. Continue to cook for 5 minutes, whisking almost constantly. Pour milk into sauce pan and whisk until smooth. Let sauce come to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, whisking constantly. Do not let sauce get too thick to pour. Remove from heat and add cheese. Whisk until smooth. Pour over potatoes. Cover casserole with aluminum foil and put in oven. Bake 30 minutes. Remove foil and let bake another 30 minutes. Test potatoes for doneness. Pull out of oven if they are cooked to your liking and let rest for 5 minutes. Then Enjoy!

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