
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

It's ALIVE!!

I LOVE plants. That statement may sound silly to some people but I know that there are others out there that get it. If you get it you get, you know? Next to having my kids and being married to an awesome man having my own plants is one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life. Really. Here comes the kicker: I kill any kind of plant that is in a pot that I get. Which can be a blow to the self esteem given my previous statement. Stick those bad boys in our garden outside and I have the greenest thumb. They grow and flourish under my watchful eye! Put anything in a pot and it is almost guaranteed to die. My lovely Mother-in-law is the exact opposite. That woman can take any almost dead plant and bring it back to life and make it thrive. Even African Violets! She is my inspiration. Sigh. SO on to the real reason we are here:   

My poor sad little succulents. They weren't getting enough sun. Then I moved them outside and scorched the ever living crap out of them! I watered them too much. Then not enough and they shriveled up and I thought for sure they were dead. Did you know succulents need shaded sun? Or bright indoor sun. Yeah I know that now. It probably didn't help that I never really planted these ones in a pot. Whomp whomp. I brought them in and was on my way to throw them out when I decided why not throw some water on them just to see what happens. Guess what happened? They plumped back up! They grew roots! What?! SO now I am going to plant the little tops with roots and see what happens. Succulents are super resilient apparently. 

Elise did a whole real time series of posts showing the results of propagating succulents over on enJOY it. Her posts were actually the reason I decided that I might as well try splashing some water on them. She followed this tutorial from Needles + Leaves to propagate her succulents. Which is an amazing blog! The pictures alone slay me. It is definitely becoming a favorite.

Would anyone like to have an update on how the replanting goes? I would be happy to share. Have you tried propagating succulents? How did it turn out? I am now wanting to try propagating my friends jade plant and my mother in laws rubber tree. I have caught the bug!

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