
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Have a safe and Happy Halloween!! 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Kneaders inspired Pick your flavor Steamer recipe. YUM-O!! Where have you been all my life??!?

So recently we, as a family, discovered
 A Steamer...
It was a must make at home deal. 
I think I may just like them as much or more than Hot Cocoa. *gasp* IT is totally what the doctor ordered for these cold winter nights here in Utah.
So after some trial and error here is what we came up with for a recipe.

Pick your Flavor Steamers
1 Cup of milk
1/2 Cup of your favorite flavored Coffee Creamer (think Coffee-mate or International Delight etc this one is pumpkin spice flavored)
whipped cream (optional)

Mix together and microwave to heat. We did ours for about a minute and a half but you know your microwave best and what you need to get it toasty warm for ya. :)

*NOTE-This is a 2 to 1 ratio dealio so you can adjust it how ever you need to make more or less as you like. Also the creamer can be more or less depending on your taste.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

DIY 20 min skirt made from a T-Shirt 1 seam and no heming! A must see!

So Miss Berry has decided to be Fiona (from Adventure Time) for Halloween. Enter the need for a cute simple blue knit skirt. Now, I have a confession...I hate to hem. I do it because I have to but if I can avoid it I will. Its no bueno to me. So what has a built in hem?? A T-Shirt. This baby only took me about 20 minutes and the request is already in for a maxi skirt next. It would be adorable in Christmas colors or a stripe!! Right??
Here is what I did and used...
1 boys T-shirt Med 8-10 (I just looked for a Tee that was going to be the right length under the armpit)
1.5 inch elastic 
(I just wrapped it around her waist and then took about an inch off for the length of elastic needed)
matching thread
I cut the shirt right under the arm pits

Like so...
Then turn the "skirt" inside out and measure for your casing and turn down the fabric accordingly.

Then I pinned. I like to double pin on both sides of the opening needed for threading the elastic through but this isn't necessary if you watch to avoid sewing the casing shut.

Sew around the casing being sure to leave an opening for the elastic to be pulled through.

 Attach a safety pin to the elastic to lead the elastic. I also will use an second safety pin to pin the end of the elastic to the skirt to ensure that I don't pull the elastic all the way through.  Once the elastic make it completely through and the ends have met; sew them together and then sew the opening shut. 


Maxi skirts here we come! 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Twas the Sunday Before Halloween

We decided to start a new tradition this Halloween. We have plenty of traditions for Christmas and even a few for Thanksgiving. Halloween kind of gets the shaft around here. So I decided that from here on out we will be doing a haunted Halloween dinner the Sunday before Halloween. This year we basically just threw it together so next year will be a little more epic!

Coming up with the menu and the names was my favorite part!

We ate earth worms! Have you seen those jello worms floating around the internets? They were cool looking but we will not be doing them next year. They were a whole lot of work. My thumbs started hurting from squeezing them out of the straws. All in all they were cool but not worth the effort. We will be getting a heart mold or something if we choose to do jello next year.

Next we had a garlic snake. You need some protection against vampires, right? I love garlic bread. It makes the meal complete.

Our main dish was bloody bones. Or baked pasta. The same recipe I have shared here. I added extra sauce so they would be extra bloody! We also had Witch Ashes or parmesan to sprinkle over the top. 

We ate ghost brains on the side. Or cauliflower as non-halloweenies would say. We also had goblin finger green beans. 

To finish out the meal we did bloody murder cupcakes. Box mix and store bought frosting to the rescue!

It was thrown together and we used a plastic tablecloth from Wal-mart but it was so fun! The kids absolutely loved it. They are currently planning our themed Christmas dinner. It was totally worth the effort. And we now have an instant tradition.

Friday, October 24, 2014

DIY Free Thanksgiving Printable For your Home Decor

Hey Friends! 
Here is a darling Thanksgiving Printable for you to use in your favorite frames!! 
Come and get it! 
It is resizeable for any frame you chose to use...Hey that rhymed!!
Click to Download Here

Have fun with it! 
PS thank you thank you thank you to my sweet Gabby and her talented self for making this up for us!!
PSS...Any suggestions for our Christmas Printable?? What would you like to see for free! (another rhyme folks :))

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Vampire Pumpkins

AAAHHHH! Vampire pumpkins! Ha! My mom and I made a bunch of these guys last year. They were a huge hit so of course I am going to make them every year now. Traditions, you know? As you can probably already tell they are crazy easy to make. But I will show you how anyway!

Gather your supplies. All you need are ornamental size pumpkins, cheap vampire teeth and a knife. I just used a steak knife but you can use the ones from the pumpkin carving kits too. 

I used a marker to mark a couple guide lines around my teeth. 

Then cut it out. The piece popped out relatively easily. I did have to trim quite a bit more from the hole to make the teeth really fit. You want them in there snug but now tight.  

And voila! Vampire pumpkins! I have a couple suggestions when making them. Make them closer to Halloween. You don't want moldy or rotten pumpkins before the big day. Clean out as many of the seeds and insides as you can to help prevent mold. You can also spray the inside of the hole with a mix of half water and half bleach. That helps a ton with rot. 

I am thinking some of these little guys need googly eyes! Big ones! Maybe some blood dripping down their chin? I love Halloween.

Peace out- AnneMarie  

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

DIY Gift Hand Stamped Kitchen Tools

Here is a great idea I found on the lovely pinterest! I, in fact, had pinned it twice on different days so clearly it was a must do. HAHA! I actually already had stamps so it was a no brainer for me. You can pick up the stamp set at Harbor Freight for fairly inexpensive. 
Here are the things we used.

1 set of 5 new bamboo kitchen tools
1 ultra fine sharpie 
(BTW the one in the picture is not the sharpie we actually used, This one wasn't quite fine enough)
1 small nylon cutting board
1/4 inch steel stamping set
A short handled ball peen hammer

Place the wooden tool on the cutting board. This is to protect your table etc from the hefty blows. :) 
Note: Be sure to wipe the stamp with a paper towel before using it. There is oil in the bottom of the box used to prevent the rusting of the stamps. 
Place the stamp where you want it and give one big blow. If a second blow is needed align the stamp in the  already stamped letter and go for it. 

See the J?

Once the word is a stamped take your ultra fine sharpie and fill in the letter. 
PS these tools will need to be hand washed only but hey! they already were hand wash only because they are bamboo so no biggy!!

 All done! 
Notice that we changed the theme after the first spoon? 
Yep I like the kitchen words better but you could do all kinds of word ideas. 
Christmas themed words or thanksgiving words, Names etc. 
I am so excited to make more! 
You could give them as a set or just one. Imagine inside a hot pad mitt with a brownie or cookie mix!? 
I am excited and very happy with how these turned out! 
Give it a try!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

weight loss

That picture literally has nothing to do with this post. But I love a good selfie as much as the next person. This post is an update about my weight loss journey so far. DUN DUN DUN!!!

The first week I rocked it. I was an animal! I was so disciplined. That discipline payed off in a big way. I lost 11 pounds and 9 total inches. What?! The second week not so much. I gained 2 pounds. Wah wah! You know what was weird though? I still lost another 2.75 inches. Explain that science.

So what changed from the first week to the second? In short I got lazy. I went from being strict and on my diet to lax. I went back to work and didn't prepare my food before hand. Before heading out the door I would try and scramble to get something together but it never really happened. Which then forced me to get take-out. Yeah I was forced. I stopped drinking the water like I should. I could go on but really I cheated. I am a cheater! UGH! The sad thing is that I just cheated myself. I traded in my long term goal and happiness for a tiny moment of fake happiness.  

You would think that after the success of the first week I would be so pumped and rock my second week. What was the difference? What can I say? Old habits die hard. Real hard. I have learned already that weight loss is an extremely emotional thing for me. There have already been many feelings that have come up. Anger at myself and at others! Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. Joy! Happiness! But mostly anger. HA! There are things that I clearly need to work out. I am not sure how to work through them but I will figure it out. My hope is that the sweat and tears will be cathartic and help me to wrap my head around the emotions. The funny thing is that I think I deserve better than the body that I have created for myself. I deserve to be able to chase my kids around the yard. I deserve to go on hikes, walks and runs. I deserve to be strong and healthy! That has to be a step in the right direction! The next step is knowing that I deserve more. I need to know it deep down in my heart.

Any helpful and kind tips and advice are so welcome! 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes-Healthier than most

These delicious pancakes are a find of my sweet daughter Lindsay. She is such a joy to live with and makes my life better in so many ways! She happened to have some bananas that needed to be used and is very much more health conscious that I am.  These are the results and are SO tasty! Give them a try! I think you will love them as much as we did!


2 ripe bananas
2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbs canola oil
6 tbs milk
1 C rolled oats
1/2 C flour
6 tbs chocolate chips

Preheat your skillet, Mash your banana with the baking powder, Add the egg, oil, salt, vanilla and milk and stir, Stir in oats and flour, Fold in chocolate chips. Using a 1/4 C measure scoop batter into a lightly greased skillet, Cook for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Can be eaten plain or with maple syrup and butter or powdered sugar. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Easy DIY Pom-Pom Maker

Pom-poms are such a great thing for Holiday decorating, don't you think? They are relatively cheap and crazy easy to make. You can use Pom-pom makers which are pretty great. OR you can make a cheap one out of some cardboard. I made mine out of the top of a pizza box. HA! All you need to do is cut a rectangle as wide as you want your finished poms-poms. Then cut a notch out of one end right down the middle. Instant pom-pom maker.

Voila! Perfect pom-pom maker.

Next cut a long piece of yarn.

Then fold it in half over your notch.

Then start wrapping! Make sure you wrap loosely or you will start bending the two tines.

Remember that the more you wrap the bigger and thicker your finished pom-pom will be. I wrap 60 to 80 times myself. Another tip is to try and wrap evenly. If you wrap it really big in the middle you will have more to trim at the end. Next take the piece of yarn that is fold over the notch and wrap it around the middle of your pom. Tie and knot the yarn super tight twice! Which is hard! You want the middle nice and tight so your pom doesn't lose strings.

Carefully slide off your pom-pom maker. And you have a cute little yarn bow. 

Now cut all the strings.

Next I roll the pom-pom gently between my hands to fluff it up. Then start trimming that bad boy! All I do is take tufts of yarn and hold it between my fingers. Whatever yarn is really poking up I cut off. 

Now you have a great pom-pom! You can leave the yarn the is used to tie the middle long and use them to tie to something. A cute package maybe? Or you can use a big plastic needle and thread them together through the middle and make a pom-pom garland. I made one for Halloween and it is super cute! They are a great little project to work on while watching a movie. Which is exactly what I did. Plus the kids love making them! Anytime I pull my stuff out to start making some they jump right in!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Mock Abalone-A family traditional Recipe

Do you know what Abalone is?? Let me tell you...:) it is the meat inside the shell that mother of pearl comes from. 
It looks like this...
after meat is removed

the meat 

the whole complete abalone

My husband Jason's grandparents (who lived near the ocean) would eat abalone occasionally but the price was and is still daunting! $70 to $105 a pound approx. A delicacy worth the price from what I understand although I have
 never had the privilege of eating it myself. 
(it may as well cost a million dollars at that price. I could afford it as easily LOL!)

Enter the invention of Mock Abalone...
Thank you Grandma Hill!
It is delish!
Do give it a try! 
You will love it and it tastes a lot like abalone with the price of good ol' chicken! YAY!

2 jars of clam juice
3lbs boneless skinless chicken (cut into strips or nuggets)
1 Cup masa herina
Oil for deep frying

Seasonings to your tastes and desires...We like to use seasoned salt, creole seasoning, garlic powder, onion powder, old bay, black pepper, etc etc. Whatever suits your fancy.

Soak the chicken pieces in the clam juice for as long as you can preferably over night. When you are ready to cook, put the masa herina and the seasonings in a gallon size zip lock bag. Drain the juice away from the chicken and add the chicken to the masa mix.  Shake to coat. Let the chicken rest for a few minutes. Meanwhile heat your oil to 375. Place a few pieces in the oil and cook for about 3.5 minutes or until the internal temp reaches 160 degrees. Placed the cooked chicken on a plate or tray lined with paper towels to drain. Repeat the cooking until all the chicken is cooked. 