
Monday, July 28, 2014

Free First Day of School Printable!!

Friends!! Where is the summer going?? I had to have that talk with my girly's about getting our sleep schedules back in order. (It takes 30 days to adjust your bodies sleep patterns they say.) Woah! Its flying by...Are you freaking out? Would a free printable help you feel better? :) Here is a darling sign you can have your cute kidlets hold in the "first day of school" photos. Free for the taking from the ever adorable Miss Lily. (Gabby)
You can print it any size you'd like up to 11x14.

Download the Printable!!

Also, somethings to think about...
1.  Now is a great time to buy/stock up on art supplies for Christmas presents for all the artists on your gift lists while prices are lowest. 

2. if you are planning on giving gifts in a jar now is a good time to buy the jars while they are readily available. 
Check out some ideas from Tidy Mom here...

3. If any of you want to make homemade vanilla extract to give for Christmas, you should start that soon. It takes a few months to brew.
 Here's a link for the how to/recipe... 

(I haven't made any before but I sure want to!!) 
PS be sure to read the reviews!! 
There's some great advice and tips! 

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