
Friday, July 25, 2014

Our Garden

 Any gardeners out there? Put your hands in the air like you just don't care!! Having a garden is one of the all time most satisfying things I have ever done. Like in my life. No joke! Planting little seedlings and then watching them grow into something that can sustain your life is pretty rad. It amazes me how a little seeds can become veggies. It blows my mind! I wanted to share it and my total obsession! 

This is our humble garden. It is in great need of some weeding but life gets in the way of that sometimes. Whomp whomp. I love walking out, talking to the plants and checking on them. Am I getting a little weird? We built the garden boxes a few years ago. I think that an upgrade is going to be necessary next year but for now they are just perfect. 

These tomatoes are Cherokee Purples. They were grown from seeds by kids at my sons school. I really love that! What a cool thing to learn.  

These are yellow bell tomatoes. They are crazy good. I have been eating them straight off the plant. These also came from Nicco's school.

Oh tiny little jalapenos! I am in love! They are only like an inch long right now. Some are even smaller. It is so neat to watch them start to appear out of their tiny flowers. 

Sweet Bell Peppers. I was expecting these peppers to be bigger but they are growing to be the size of my palm. Little and yummy. I was hoping to cook these up in some recipes but so far we are cutting them up and eating them. We can't seem to wait long enough to cook them! 

Zucchini! This is a Black Beauty zucchini plant. I am so pumped that these bad boys are growing. A lot of people aren't zucchini fans but we really enjoy them around here. I actually wish that we had planted two plants! 

This is a spaghetti squash. Which is actually my favorite plant that we grow. I can't get enough of it! When these little squashes start showing up I am going to do a little dance!

This one is a cucumber. This is our first year doing cucumbers. We have done lemon cucumbers before with great success. So we decided to go for it.

And last but not least, our T-Rex. He watches over our garden and keeps it pest free. A little concrete bird watches over our garden as well

I have a couple tips to share:
  • Sprinkle eggshells in your garden. Our grandpa always did this so I always have as well. Turns out it keeps slugs and snails at bay.
  • Use a sprinkly sprinkler to water your garden. I always put it on really low and then move it as needed through the garden. The water soaks in better than if you just put the hose on. I actually really want to get an irrigation or sprinkling system set up but for now the sprinkler works. 
  • Water at night.
  • You can use a mixture of water, dish soap and cayenne pepper to spray as a natural pesticide. Bugs hate it! Just don't forget to wash your veggies really well.

Do you have any gardening tips? I am still a novice and would love to hear!!

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