
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pinterest Buster Recipe!

 I love these pinterest busting posts! I am actually using my pins. What?! That is the point of it right? I love trying out new recipes. We need new fun recipes in our rotation. Luckily three out of four of us are pretty easy going and willing to try new things. Lola is in that picky stage of hating everything. I can't wait for this stage to end! It bums me out. Any suggestions? My guess is that it is a wait it out type of thing.  

So here is the picture of the Creamy Chicken and Rice from Natasha's Kitchen. That is a beauty! Here is my original pin and here is the link to the actual recipe. While you are there you should totally check out the rest of the website. Natasha has amazing recipes and beautiful photos.

Here is mine. Whomp! HA! It doesn't look appetizing but man oh man it is delicious. I loved it! Plus one out of two kids liked it. And quite frankly that is a huge success around here. The only changes I made to the recipe is that I used chicken breasts, brown rice and more chicken broth instead of white wine. The brown rice for sure changes the cooking time. It was worth it to me because I love brown rice. The nutty flavor is worth it. It adds a half hour to the cooking time. One major thing I love about this recipe is that it is a one pot meal. Less dishes= a happy mom!  

Have you tried any new recipes lately? Have you tried any recipes from Pinterest? Any success? Any failures? 

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