
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Is this it?? YES!! I can do hard things and I am going to prove it! Weight loss journey happening here!!

So...I need to lose weight. Boo. Actually I am officially down 23 lbs but by basic accident. I have been trying LOTS of different programs, I mean LOTS and I think I have finally (I sure hope so this time)found what is working for me. I am drinking lots of water, avoiding carbs, attempting to keep them under 50-100 max a day, increasing fruits and veggies, limiting sugar (back to the carbs thing) and exercise.4 days a week. I have promised myself that I will stop eating when I am full, at the first inkling even. You'd think that would be an obvious thing but it hasn't always been that way for me. I also promised myself if there is anything I really want to have I will just have it. No denial. Starting with 3 bites. I am finding that usually after 3 bites of that naughty food thing, it sometimes wasn't all my mind had it cracked up to be so I can leave it and if it is I eat it. Hopefully avoiding the spiral into binge land when I can't stand it anymore and eat far beyond what I should to satisfy the craving.
I found a rad new game weight loss website!! You can click here to go check it out. Its called diet bet and the concept is that everyone playing puts in $30 and all who lose 4% in 28 days gets to split the pot!! HOW FUN?! They also have 6 month games if you are interested. Go check it out!! You can even start your own game if you want with your friends and family!! 
PS I am not being compensated by diet bet..I just think its cool and want to share.  They have a game that just started today so go and have some fun!! Lets do this together!! 

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