
Thursday, June 19, 2014

I miss my kids!

I had a completely different post planned for today. I got home from work yesterday and after taking Nick to work I started working on something for le blog. Then the kids asked me to play with them. How could I say no? I dropped everything and played with them and read them some Harry Potter. It was the best! SO this post is going to be about me whining about missing my kids. You have been warned and I apologize in advance! 

Any other full time working mothers out there? Or part time? Or work from home mothers for that matter? Let me first say that I don't mind my job. I am grateful that I have it. It is helping to provide for my family and that is not something to sneeze at! It is a huge blessing that I know some people don't have. Again, I am grateful. 

That being said it is so hard! I miss my kids. So bad. It makes my heart ache to leave them. The place that I work has a rotating schedule so it is different every week. I don't have the luxury of having every weekend off. As a matter of fact this weekend will be my first off in two months. That is tough. It means that I miss out on lots of things that the kids and Nick get to do together. They are experiences that I am glad they get to have but I wanna go tooooooo!! It is a hard thing to have your son tell you that you need to quit your job. Or to have your daughter ask you to stay home from work most days. There is probably a good life lesson for them somewhere in there but all I can say to them is that I wish I could quit and stay home with them everyday too. They are getting tired of the "mommy has to do this to help take care of our family" line. It is the truth but it is no fun. Being a responsible adult sucks sometimes.

 The other issue is that when I do have a day off I stress out about it being fun and memorable. Anyone else have that problem? I am putting a lot of stress on all of us to have a fun time together. Which inevitably means that no one has a good time. The biggest of all ughs!! I need to get into the mindset of whatever happens happens and at least we are together. That is all I want really. I want to just be with them playing and reading Harry Potter.  

Don't even get me started on missing my husband. Oy. 

Okay I think my whining is over for today. And I promise to be back with a stellar post next time! Thanks for lending a listening ear. 

Any tips and advice? Does it ever get easier? Because quite frankly I feel like it is getting more and more difficult.   

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