
Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Summer Reading Program

Have you made your summer bucket list yet? After Emily posted hers our family jumped on the bandwagon. On our bucket list is to join our libraries summer reading program. They have a program for children AND adults. I am so excited! The kids? Not so much. But they are excited about the goodies. The children's program is science based and every week that they read 20 minutes a day they get a prize. Then at the end they are entered into a drawing to get an even bigger prize. I am all for positive bribery. I am definitely not above it!

These kids LOVE the library! 

The kids signing their name on their pledge! Lola has been working so hard to learn her name and she is kicking butt.

Hearing this boy read makes me swell with pride! He had a really hard time learning to read. It has been a long row to hoe but we are on the better side of it now. 

Free books are the best books! Happy little faces.

Head on over to your local library and sign up for the summer reading program. It is a great way to hang on to some of the kids schooling over the summer. Plus it is free! Win-win.


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