
Friday, June 13, 2014

Disposable Camera Challenge

I love photos. When I was a kid I loved looking through our piles of pictures. It was so fun to have a tangible snapshot of a memory. I feel like I have lost that in this digital world. It is so easy and convenient to take a million pictures. But then we have them just sit on our hard drive. That is so sad! Nick bought me a polaroid 300 in 2012 and it has been crazy fun! We have enjoyed having the instant photos. The kids love going through our jar of instants and remembering things from the good old days when they were little kids. HA! That is my favorite thing that they say. When I was a little kid.... Over on the skunkboy blog Katie has issued a fun challenge to combat this problem. The challenge is to carry around a disposable camera and take a couple snapshots here and there. Fill that baby on up with memories. Then comes the hard part! Developing them. HAHA! I have already bought my camera. It wasn't easy to find- I went to three places. You can find them on Amazon however. Disposable cameras are so fun! It is great that the haze and light leaks are part of what makes them fun and unique. I am so excited to get started! 

These pictures below are from a while ago. I forgot about them. That is the problem! They need to be printed and put in a box for my family to look through as we grow and change. 

I need to get this picture printed of Nicco! He looks so different now. Sometimes I forget how he looked with his crazy long hair. Handsome!


I actually got this one printed of Lola. And I am so glad I did!

I may just have to give myself another small challenge of printing 2-3 digital photos a week. They will accumulate quickly and will be something we will always love.

What about you? Are you up for the challenge? I can't wait to show off the disposable camera photos here on ze blog!

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