
Friday, June 6, 2014

You are invited to Free Summer Movies in The Park or should I say Parks?

We are really excited to finally be able to give the wonderful phenomenon of 
Free Movies in the Park 
a try this summer! 

Where and when you ask???
 Here is a Google Calendar Link with all the dates times and places for your viewing pleasure!! 

(this is for our readers in the great state of Utah but I am betting those of you from other locations in our country will be able to find something similar where you live)

Click here to view the calendar
(if you click on the desired movie link it will bring up the address and he my hubs even included a map. Yes. Yes. He really loves me!!)

There are tons of dates all summer long and a plethora of places and different movie titles my friends. 
Some even include free popcorn while supplies last! 
Go create memories and make the most of these summer nights!!
I know we will be!!!

PS a big thanks go to the dear sweet hubby for using his master charting talents and desires for compiling and creating the calendar.  He Com.pleats.Me. Sniff. :) love you babe!

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