
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My water proof picnic blanket -A tutorial (sorta)

I am sure you remember our post on Free Movies in the park but if you don't you can check it out here... Well, we have been attending, and have been enjoying the fun, but have run into two little problems. 1) the blankets are getting a little moist as we sit on them in the grass and 2) we are having a hard time getting them to stay put. (read between wiggly kids and people walking through our party the blankets were a bunched up mess) SO....they say necessity is a mother and it must be true because I came up with a solution to both little troubles; my version of a water proof picnic blanket. How you ask?? I sewed a cheap blanket to a tarp.  HAHA!! 
Pretty simple but very effective and I'll show you how. 
 What you'll need:
a tarp (we used a heavy duty 8x10 tarp)
a blanket (we used a cheap $5 twin size blanket from Wallys)
the usual sewing notions
tent stakes
OPTIONAL: a tent stake mallet

First we laid out the tarp and 
then centered the blanket on top of it. 
Next we pinned and pinned and pinned. 
(you will want a lot of pins) :)

Then once it was pinned we simply sewed around it to 
attach the blanket to the tarp.
 NOTE: it is big and kinda may want assistance just holding the bulk of the materials and to help maneuver it while you sew.

Now we can use the grommets in the tarp to stake down our blanket and never worry about whatever is on the grass seeping up to get us.  YAY!! AND it will stay right where we put it. HOORAY!!
Gabby is so helpful staking down the blanket and all....
Don't they look so happy to be nice and dry?! 
I plan on storing the mallet, stakes, and blanket in a cute reusable shopping bag and keeping it in our van for ready to go capabilities.

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