
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

One Pull Up

I have decided that by end of this summer I want to be able to complete one pull up. Lofty goal, eh? IN all actuality it is a lofty goal for me. I have never been one to do a serious workout routine or really have a major fitness goal. I'm always saying I want to lose weight and be healthier but I have been wondering lately if that is not specific enough. There needs to be one particular thing I am shooting for. Really specific. So here we are. Doing one pull up encompasses two different things in my mind.

1. I need to lose weight. The less you weigh the easier the pull up
2. I need to workout my back, arms or chest everyday to accomplish this goal

I found two articles that I like about doing pull ups. This one here explains the difference between pull-ups and chin ups and gives exercises to help accomplish. This one here give advice and awesome exercises with video for getting it done as well. Also I have chosen to work on weight loss but you don't have to to do a pull up! If you are strong enough then you don't need to lose weight. That is my personal choice. 

This whole goal comes down to one thing for me: I want to be healthier so that I can live the life I want. I want to be able to keep up with my kids. They need a mom that will be around for a long time. At the rate I am going now that won't happen. I want to be strong and healthy and right now I am not. SO here I go! Wish me luck!

I am thinking of doing an instagram hashtag. Would anyone be interested in following along? Or interested in joining me? You can follow us at ramonaavenue on twitter and insta. Keep in mind that I am no expert and I will probably make plenty of mistakes.

I am off to do as many push ups as I possibly can! 

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