
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Christmas is Coming! Are you getting ready??? Come see how!!

It is approx 6 months until Christmas!! 
I am so excited! 
I should tell you that as you get to know me better you will discover that I am a Christmas nut...I really do love the entire holiday season and Christmas is the entire month leading up to the actual Christmas day for me. We do daily advents and focus on quality time and family togetherness.  All of this takes money and can really break the bank if you are not prepared. on to the reason for this post....
My husband and I made a vow when we were first married that we would not ever go into debt for Christmas. We felt like having to pay for Christmas for the year if not many years after would steal the joy the gifts etc were given for in the first place. This would require putting money away. Savings.  Not an easy concept for us until recently. I discovered a company called Smarty Pig a few years ago and it has been life changing. What is smarty pig you ask?? It is a set it and forget it savings website that will help you set a financial goal (it isn't just for Christmas) and will come and withdraw money for you (when you ask them to) and put it in a savings account for you. They are FDIC insured and secured with VeriSign which is the strongest encryption available so you can trust that you and your money are safe. SO... I now decide on a budget in Jan (see I told you I'm a Christmas nut) and I do my best to make sure I have thought of everything we may need money for. Including parties, special foods, like our Christmas Eve munchies, decorations that need some updates, neighborhood gifts etc etc etc. Then divide it by our paychecks coming and wah la I know what amount my withdrawls need to be.  NOW... I know it isn't Jan but every little bit helps. YES? We still have 6 months to get a little nest egg started and every little bit helps right?? 

PS. I am not being paid or receiving compensations from Smarty Pig. I just found a great thing and want my friends to know about it. Cool? :)

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