
Friday, September 12, 2014

Sweetheart journal-How 50 cents made our marriage even better!!

Today is hubby lovin day! 
I decided to share something that my sweet husband started for us to do together all by himself, It is simple and sweet and I treasure it with all my heart! It looks just like this. It is simply an average composition notebook. My first introduction to it was when I found it on my pillow. I opened it and found a small heart felt note about something we had done together during the day and a little sweet nothings with please write back under his signature. That is where it started!! (of course I wrote back) Now every once in a while he will find it on his pillow or I on mine. Can I say I love rereading the notes!?  It is pretty new so we are working on filling it but I am looking forward to doing this for years!! There is only one thing I would have done differently had I been the genius behind the idea...I would have looked for an archival quality notebook and ensured we are using archival quality pens. I suspect it will be one of those things that go down the generations someday...I would definitely suggest this idea to any couple!! 
Please do give it a try! 
 It has been amazing!! 
I am one lucky girl!!
PS...what fun things do you do to keep the love?? Please comment! We would love to hear from you!

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