
Thursday, September 4, 2014

Getting Organized for Christmas-5 Things I have started on

I don't know if I have mentioned it before but I love Christmas!! I am that lady that bugs everyone else talking and planning etc long before the rest of the world believes I should be. Sorry not sorry. :) I love everything about it! I like to focus on Christ's birth and I have no problems with the big man in the red suit.  In  fact, I believe they go hand in hand. What I do not like is the stress and unhappiness that comes when I am unprepared and unorganized. Luckily for me there are ways to ease these problems. I want to share some of the things I do to make things easier and less stressful.
1. I joined smarty pig. Smarty pig is a savings club that will withdraw my decided amount on the days I ask it too with out me having to think about it.  It is a life saver!! It allows me to save enough that the expense doesn't become a focus.  You can read more about it here...

2. I plan  to stalk up the freezer for those busy days and nights when there just isn't time or maybe desire to slave over a hot stove making dinner. Another added benefit is the fact that theses meals are "prepaid" if you will and can free up a little extra cash for all that little expenses we sometimes forget about. Not to mention the savings of not going to the fast food joint down the street too.

 PS Be watching for posts with some freezer meal ideas and recipes and freezer meals for those who don't have a bunch of freezer space coming soon

3. I have a definite budget already written  and I do my best to include everything we may possibly need to spend money on. Not just gifts. Think decor updates, fun activities, parties we may be throwing, charity giving, etc. You get the drift. Jason and I always base each category on a percentage of our wages. Better years we have more to spend.  Leaner years we will pull our belts in. 

4. I try to come to a decision on neighbor gifts, handmade gifts and our Christmas card list and get to work on them ASAP. Anything not finished by Thanksgiving will be set aside for another time. (read go gentle on the handmade items and only go for those things I know I can finish in time) I refuse  to relive those Christmases where I have been behind the 8 ball sweating and stressing on Christmas Eve trying to finish all my projects.  I feel like at some point it needs to be the moms holiday too and I should relax and enjoy. Besides, when the mom is stressed no one can really enjoy their time either.

5. I do my best to go with the flow...if something isn't going the way I planned, I do my very best to roll with the things that are working. I remember one Christmas Eve in particular that was chock full of  planned activities including a scavenger hunt, a full Christmas dinner with ham and all the trimmings and a movie with fast food lunch. It was too much and I ended up nearly in tears, feeling like I had failed until I noticed the happy faces on my kids who could care less if every little detail was done.  They were so excited to just be in the moment. Soaking in the giddy, little kid, Santa is coming feelings. I have since simplified my vision of the day and month, we have the dinner the Sunday before etc and I just eat up being with them. (we never did a scavenger hunt again on Christmas Eve BTW) I ask them what they want to do and love hearing what is important to them and what they would consider tradition. 

Bottom line: It is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. Not the most stressful time of the year. We can do this! What do you do to get ready and organized?? We would love to hear!!

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