
Friday, January 16, 2015

Still in the Game! Come see a great resource for healthy eating!

I am excited to say that I am still working on my new years resolution! Woot!! Hey, for me this is a big deal. Most of my resolutions have been pie crust resolutions, easily made and easily broken, and by this time in the month of Jan I would have already fallen off the wagon as it were.  
How am I doing it? 
Well...I have an exercise buddy 
(Hi Kari!! :)) 
She actually introduced me to some free exercise classes being held 5 days a week in a church gym and we are going 2 times a week and then I am doing exercise at home the rest of the week. 
I have found a wonderful, inspiring website for help in the food dept!! 

Have you heard of 
She offers a supper club with full months of healthy dinner ideas including shopping lists and everything! 
All you will need to do is join her free membership to get access to the supper club.  Its pretty cool! Did I mention all the recipes have all the nutritional stats and even have WW pts if you are doing that?? 
Check her out HERE!!
PS did i mention the meals are actually tasty? So far my kids haven't even realized they are healthy!
PSS I am not being compensated by skinny mom at all. She doesn't even know I exist (unless by maybe my name on her membership list)I just think shes awesome and wanted to share.

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