
Monday, January 19, 2015

A Little Premature Backyard Planning

Martin Luther Kings Junior Day always makes me think of Memorial Day which then makes me think of summer. Which makes me think of backyard barbecues. Which reminds me that our backyard needs some help. So even though it is waaaaay to early be thinking about sprucing up our backyard I can't get my mind off of it. Want to see some of my inspiration, hopes and dreams for our yard this year?

I love this tiled grass. SO much. 

This is just beautiful. I love the fire pit a ridiculous amount.

I am not even sure how I could incorporate these curtains but I want to figure it out!

Wouldn't a little stock tank pool be lovely? Not too mention you could have put it away for next year! Unlike those miserable little plastic pools.

I want to DIY some of these and stick rose trees in them. That would be so pretty.

I think that the kids need a teepee in the backyard this year.

Or at least an A-Frame Tent.

Those are just a few of the things I would love to do in our backyard this year. Now that I have the inspiration I need to prioritize what needs to be done. I think lighting and shade are going to be the biggest things on my list this year. My dad built a great pergola in our backyard but it provides little to no shade. It is a great blank slate for lighting and shade, however. What are your outdoor projects this year? 

Peace out!- AnneMarie 

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