
Monday, January 5, 2015

One Word To Rule Them All

Isn't she cute? UGH!

We're back baby! The holidays were awesome and the break was even better. But I am so glad to be back here working in this space. I wish I was coming back with more of a bang but I am back with New Year resolutions. Is that lame? Are you sick of reading these posts? Well then turn back now!

I feel like New Year resolutions are sort of made to be broken. Don't you? Maybe it's just me. We all have this grandiose ideas of how our life will be made perfect this year and how we will prevail against every weakness we have. Maybe that is the issue. Maybe that is just my issue. I give myself a list of things that I damn well better accomplish. It usually goes something like lose 101 pounds, workout 2 hours everyday, make my business into a million dollar endeavor, be the best mom in the world and solve world hunger. They get bigger and bigger until they are just so ridiculous that clearly they won't be happening. Don't get me wrong I intend to do all of those things. It's just that somewhere along the way I lose my motivation. 

This year I am taking it easy on myself. I read this post by Elise over on enJoy it. And I LOVED it. I love the idea of taking one word and making that my mantra. Just one thing to focus on all year and make it part of my life. It has taken me a while to actually figure out my word. There has been one that I can't seem to let go of, however. And that is BRAVE. I want to be brave in my work life, my blog life, my home life, my personal and in my health. I like to think I am a brave risk taker but that is just not true. I want to take reasonable risks to help me become a better person. I am not talking risks that will ruin our lives. I mean I have a family to take care of after all but careful risks. Things that will make me get out there and find the right opportunities. It may be striking up a conversation with another mom at the playground or finally opening my Etsy shop. Who knows. I am going to take the next month and just chant the word BRAVE to myself. See where it takes me! To bravely go where I have not gone before. 

I am still making two resolutions (of course). 

1. Clean and organize the whole house. I am talking going through each room and getting all the stupid little projects done, scrubbing them top to bottom and purging all the crap we don't need. 

2. Eat at home 5 nights a week. With all of our hectic holiday schedules we stopped eating at home. That has made us all feel sick and even more worn out. No more I say! More of this:

This picture has nothing to do with this really other than he is holding food. But isn't he cute?

Are you making resolutions this year? What are they? Did you notice that at no point did I say that I am resolving to lose weight? Yeah I did. It was on purpose.

Peace out! -AnneMarie

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