
Monday, January 12, 2015

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.....

This my friends... is my BEST friend. 
My lover. 
My confidant. 
My boyfriend. 
My partner in crime. 
The father of my children. 
My hero. 
My person. 
The man of my dreams.
My somebody. 
How does one honor someone so important whom you love more that any word, or gift, or thoughtful service could ever be enough to truly express the granditude of your feelings for?? Or how grateful to the heavens above HE is in your life?? HE is the person I prayed for. The person that I believe with all my heart was intended for me, and my greatest gift from God. He and I are not perfect by any means but he is definitely perfect for me! 
I pledge to do everything I can to be sure he feels as loved unconditionally as I do. Forever, for always, and no matter what!
Happy Birthday JASON!! 
Now lets PAR-TAY!! 


  1. I LOVE you Emma!! Thank you so much for my wonderful Birthday! You are MY somebody as well. Love you baby!

  2. That is so sweet! You two are truly an amazing couple! I feel privileged to know you.

    1. Thanks Kari! You are the best! I mean that! PS you are Joe are pretty darn amazing too!
