
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Surviving Retail During The Holidays

Anyone out there work retail? I do! The holidays can be really tough for people in retail. A lot of the time you have to work more hours at more extreme times. That takes a serious toll on your body. Not too mention your mental health! I have a few tips to get through. These are things that have helped me and some of the people I work with. 

1. Leave work at work 
I have to admit that this is not easy for me. As a matter of fact it is really hard! Everyone needs to vent so get that out. Vent and be done with it. Better yet vent to someone while you are at work. You will be glad that you didn't bring the negative energy home. 

2. Wear old lady shoes 
Wear some seriously comfortable shoes. I am talking support, high quality and orthopedic. HA! Just kidding about the orthopedic. Sort of These are a pair that I have. I wear them a lot. If your feet are hurting then your shift will seem about a million times longer.

3. Compression socks
I know that this sounds crazy. I sound like a little old lady. But little old ladies know whats up! Compression socks are amazing. It is crazy the difference they can make. They help you feet and legs feel supported. Plus now you can get rad styles! Get some. You will be happy you did. 

4. Keep up mostly on housework
Notice that I typed keep up MOSTLY on your housework. I am not saying that you have to kill yourself off keeping your house clean. Just spend a few minutes a day on household chores. This is one that I need to work on! The idea is that that way you can enjoy your day off instead of feeling like you have to scrub your house. I find it much easier to relax in a mostly clean house. We can all use a little relaxation.

5. Do something nice for yourself
 Between working, shopping, baking and all the other hoopla that comes with the holidays it is easy to forget to take care of yourself. Get a massage, play candy crush, crochet, go for a walk, zone out! Whatever it is- do something that is just for you. Relish it! Love it! Do it! If you don't feel your best then you won't be your best. 

6. Do Holiday crap
Working retail can kill your love of anything holiday oriented. You might not want to decorate. You may dread the thought of putting up a tree. Do it anyway. Doing those things will make you happy. I swear! Make the best gingerbread house ever! Go to parties and wear you snappiest outfit. Wear sequins and a horrible christmas sweater. Just do it. Enjoy every moment of that Christmas movie marathon. You will not regret it!

7. Take care of yourself
Last but not least! Take care of yourself. This has got to be the hardest one for me. Eat healthy and exercise. UGH. It is annoying me to even type that. It is the truth though! If you eat healthy you are less likely to get sick. Being sick sucks. However, it is hard to eat healthy at this time of year. There are so many goodies being shared. You know how many days we have had treats on the break room table so far this month? Like everyday. Try sharing a healthy snack like oranges or pomegranate seeds. Another suggestion is to only eat the things that sound really good to you. As well as eating healthy food- exercising helps your body and mind. I try to do a little yoga everyday. It helps me decompress and de-stress. I love it. Do whatever exercise you prefer. It is hard to get started but it feels so good once you are done.   

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