
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Elf Tool Kit-Great gift to give yourself or someone else!! ( FROM THE DOLLAR STORE!!)

Do you dream of Christmas morning like I do? All the gifts are slowly and beautifully opened one at a time...OH!!! AND....everyone ooohhs and awhs over the gifts their family members have received. Nothing goes wrong....

like the box to the plastic kitchen is missing a part and there is NO WAY on Gods green earth you will be able to fix it by morning....

or SOME assembly required turns into an all night fiasco OR...

Santa forgets to include batteries 

OR we don't seem to be able to find a tiny little screw driver to open the door to the for mentioned battery door???? 

WELL...Have I got a great idea for you!! It wont fix everything but it is a step in the right direction and you will be so happy this cute little box is under your tree!! 

AND if you were to give this to a mom/family on your shopping list you will help them along with their picture perfect Christmas morning too. 

AND all of these items have come from the dollar store!! WOOT! Even better!! Here's what we are going to make...


Here is what you will need: 
A good sturdy box to store the tools (I put this baby right under my tree)

Batteries I have a set of AA and AAA
Paper and Pen
Trash Bags 
Box opener 
A Folder to put cards, receipts, tags, instructions/owners manuals in all one place. 

NOTE: I would also suggest if you are not concerned with the kit coming from the dollar store, or want to make it a nicer gift, or be even more prepared is to add an empty memory card for your camera and maybe even an extra, all charged up, camera battery but this is totally optional

(I had to take the trash bags out of their box to fit in my tool box)

Here is a poem I wrote you could use to give with...IF  you'd like a free printable tag comment and I can get you one from the amazing Gabby...(and then I'd know you are out there too :))

This is your Elf Kit 
And here is the plan
It will help Christmas morn
I’m positive it can
Put it under your Tree
A great place no doubt
Now you don't have to worry
Not one kiddy will pout
All you need is there
its true 
It’s filled with important stuff 
 Especially our love for you!

(this is MY original poem...please only use for personal use and not for ANY material gain. Thanks friends!)

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