
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Golden Hour

I think it is safe to say that anyone that has picked up a camera has heard of the "golden hour". It is the hour right before sun up and sun down give or take a few minutes where the light is crazy beautiful for photos. I was googling some more info about it and stumbled across a golden hour calculator! It takes your current position and calculates what your golden hour would be. Rad! So we got our results and went walking. Our hour started at 8:03. The light really was just perfect. Now why are my pictures so grainy?! On to the next dilemma.  

My Lola. She is so pretty!

My Nicco. He is so handsome and obsessed with Legos.

Again with the kids cause they are rad!

I want to experiment more during the golden hour. Have you had any success with the golden hour? Any ideas why my pictures are grainy?!


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