
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

DIY cork board

Since I started back to work full time I have felt the need to get a little more organized in our day to day life. I am taking minuscule baby steps but steps none-the-less. We have been in need of a central place to have all of our appointment cards, permission slips, birthday invites and schedules posted. So how's about a funky cork board? I have been eyeing that crazy cork board down there at SteinMart for a really long time. Once it was marked down and I had a coupon I bought it for 7 bucks! I love getting a good deal. The size is great and I thought the bamboo-esque frame was a great detail. It seemed a little dated with that bronze colored frame. The print on the cork was pretty bad too. It had to go.

After seeing this round up of DIY cork boards at Apartment Therapy  I knew what I wanted to do! I have been grooving on the color combo of white and gold lately. Well really gold with any other color. What a perfect opportunity to test it out! All I did was spray paint the crap out of it! I used white spray paint with primer built in and sprayed over the whole thing- cork included. It took three coats to really cover it well. After the white was totally dry I used blue painters tape to tape off the white frame. Then came the gold. The gold spray paint needed 3 coats as well.  


I can't wait for those walls to be bright white too! Now I need to find some really great tacks. Maybe I should make some.

BTW I had to air out that bad boy for a couple days. It was super stinky from the spray paint. Nothing like using spray paint to get a contact high! I kid! I kid! But seriously you need a well ventilated space to use spray paint.

Do you use cork boards to help organize your day? Any fun DIY projects lately?

Let me know that bizness- Anne Marie

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