
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

A failure!

Look at those cute pinwheels up there! Aren't they just lovely? So colorful and fun and spinny.... oh wait.. they can't spin. Epic fail! I had everything all planned out. I found this tutorial, gathered supplies and kids and we got started. That is when I got an idea to make them better. You know those people who always think they have a better way of doing something but really they don't? That is me. The kids and I couldn't get those bad boys to stay put together. So we glued the crap out of them with hot glue and called it good. At least they are nice to look at. A little tip from me? Stick them into a pencil eraser like they say you should. 

Look at those smiles! I guess sometimes a fail is okay. They loved crafting and putting them together so maybe it wasn't really as bad as I think.

That was the second DIY fail of the day. Some days are like that, right? Have you had any failed DIY attempts recently?


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