
Monday, May 19, 2014

Sock Bag

I have this idea that if I give my kids places to put their stuff that they will magically always put their things away. HA! They prove me wrong every single day. Clearly it is wishful thinking. That didn't stop me from making a little bag to hang in their room to throw their dirty socks when they take them off. That way we may end up with more when it comes time to wash them. Because I swear we are down to three mismatched socks each! 

I have to admit I saw this idea on a blog a long time ago. It was before I became obsessed with Pinterest and only bookmarked the things I loved. Which is no good when your hard-drive has to be replaced! So if anyone knows where this original idea came from please let me know so I can give the proper credit! 

For my version of this project I used a thrifted t-shirt and a 7 inch embroidery hoop. I cut through both the front and back pieces of the t-shirt to 15 inches across and 17 inches top to bottom. I flipped them wrong side out and pinned every few inches. I sewed around the edge leaving a 1/2 inch seam allowance. I am not very good at sewing with knit fabrics but one thing I have learned is to let the fabric move on its own! Don't push or tug it through your machine. You can serge it to finish the inside edge. I honestly left mine raw because I have yet to tackle threading my serger yet. After sewing I folded the top edge in and hammered a huge grommet in it. Putting the grommet on was difficult to say the least! I used this tool set and holy bananas it was hard for me to use. And it looks like crap so no close ups! But it is on and now the bag hangs. After the grommet I put it in the hoop and tightened it up. I trimmed the edge to make it look a little more presentable.

And bingo bango! 

It is hardly perfect but I love it. Plus the kids are excited so far to use it so lets hope it serves its purpose! Now I need to make a bag for all the clean socks without their mates. 

BTW please ignore the mud on the walls! We are in the middle of painting, sanding and re-doing every room in the house. Literally. Maybe some house projects are going to pop up here!

What are you working on right now? Any home organization ideas you can share? I need all the help I can get! 

ut .

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