
Friday, May 9, 2014

It's Friday!

The weekend is here! The weekend means way less to me now that I am working retail but for some reason I still get excited for Friday Friday!  Cause we gotta get down on Friday. Obviously. I thought it would be great to do a little recap of our first week.

Shrinky Dinks and Mothers Day just seem to go hand in hand right?  

Perfect breakfast for a lovely breakfast in bed.

I had to add some links from around the internet that I found and loved this week!

I love the look of these marbled DIY pictures.

This raspberry tart is on my list of recipes to try this weekend.

Fun rock portrait craft for mothers day.

BLT salad with basil mayo dressing?  Uh yeah please!

I kind of love the idea of a restaurant registry instead of the traditional wedding registry.

Farmers Market baskets just in time for the actual Farmers Market!

Awesome deals in Emily's awesome etsy shop! Seriously you guys that shop is full to the brim of crazy good deals.

My kids go crazy for marble runs.

Totally cool interview about a foster to adoption experience. 

I am on the hunt for a great coral lipstick.

ut .

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