
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hubby Lovin'-6 Reaons Why Holding Hands is Important

My sweetheart is so amazing! We have been married for 23 years now and he still holds my hand without fail whenever and wherever we can. I believe that Holding hands is significant.
Some great reasons to hold your dear ones hand are...

1. It provides comfort. Almost as to say for right now we are in this together, and do not have to face the world alone.

2. It connects us- a symbol that we are one. (great for the kids to see too)

3. It serves as a statement that I am proud to be with my partner!

4. We are physically and emotionally showing our spouse they are a priority to us.

5. physical touch is a human need-not just a when we are dating thing, or a sexual thing.  We humans like touch. Just the facts ma'am. 

6. It relieves stress-From lowering blood pressure and heart rate to increasing immune function and relieving pain, getting touched or doing some touching makes you healthier -- not to mention happier and less anxious.

Lets get our there and hold hands with our spouse like cray cray! Its GOOD! Come on!Try it! You'll Like it! 
Do you hold hands with your sweetheart? I'd love to hear for you!

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