
Friday, February 20, 2015

Please come and help!

This weekend my sweetheart and I will celebrate our 23rd anniversary! 
Happy anniversary babe!!
We are about to "get that party started" but before I do I am wanting to ask you for help for a dear friend of mine and her lovable foster daughter Lisa. Kari has been one of my best and truest friends since 1989. That's a long time in-case you were wondering... She has a heart of gold and Kari is very good at serving others. She is a mother that makes most moms jealous. Kari is really good at being a friend and is that friend that you can go for a long time without seeing or talking to and pick right back up as if you had seen her yesterday. (although I prefer to see her often LOL!!) She has helped so many others and needs our help so she can keep Lisa in their family. Lisa is a doll too BTW! I just love Lisa and get so much joy spending time with this sweet little gal! She just oozes happiness and it is contagious!   
Please open your heart and click below to read about how we can help Kari and her family!!  

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