
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Link it Up!

The internet is rad. There are so many amazing artists and creative people out there. And the internet is our vehicle to know those people. Love it! I will stop gushing about the internet now. Here are some of my favorite recent links from around the internets.

How awesome do those cinnamon roll biscuits look? Biscuits people! Quick and delicious.

You know how my word is Brave this year? Well how perfect is this print?

The kids are wanting their own yoga mats. And I want them to have these ones

I was hoping to make the kids a new stuffy for Easter and this one is a big contender. Or at least a major inspiration.

I have wanted to try this DIY forever! Metal clay is awesome. 

How good doed Lemon Cheesecake Pie sound? Uh pretty good.

This website has tons of science projects for beginners. I want to start with this botany one with the kids. Spring planting is coming people!

This is an awesome post on taking product photos. Love it!

I love this post about getting more done. It is focused on having an Etsy shop but I think it applies to the blog and my life as well.

Don't click this link with your kids around or at work! I think that doing a boudoir photo shoot would be so fun. That link is to a great Utah based company. 

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